
Some sewing inspo from the ever inspiring Free Peeps (Free People). Any [broke] bohemian covets that site because not only is their styling amazing but the actual clothes are amazing to! Now, I am definitely one for quality, but dropping the big bucks on everyday items that I know I don’t really need is definitely out of the question (at least until I’m making enough money to eat and shop). Now, this is where the magic happens, DIY! I have bags and bags of fabric stowed away. I actually have several yards of deep red and red velvet just waiting to be whipped into a pair of super bells. Some gauzy printed silk, heavy printed cotton, Middle eastern/South Asian inspired appliques…yeah, it’s like a wet dream up in my sewing room! All I need to do now is plaster these pics and more like em all over said room so it pushes me to such a delirious state of consumer-driven desire that I move my ass to my sewing machine! Have any pics like these saved on your computer? Have you created anything inspired by something way out of your price range? Comment below so I can share in the fun!